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MCQ Questions and Answers on Turbo Machines

Cavitation in a centrifugal pump is likely to occur at the


Answer :   Option:- B

Explanation :

Cavitation in a centrifugal pump is likely to occur at the impeller inlet.

The use of a draft tube in a reaction type water turbine helps to


Answer :   Option:- C

Explanation :

At the exit of reaction turbines, a pipe of gradually increasing cross-sectional area known as draft tube. It is used to permit negative suction head by having the capability of converting kinetic energy of water into pressure head, thus increasing the power capacity of turbine system.

Which one of the following is not correct regarding both Kaplan and propeller turbines?


Answer :   Option:- D

Explanation :

Blades can be adjusted only in case of Kaplan turbine.

Kaplan turbine is


Answer :   Option:- A

Explanation :

Kaplan turbine is a highly efficient mixed flow reaction turbine with adjustable blades and adjustable wicket gates. It is used with low head high discharge specifications.

Priming is necessary in


Answer :   Option:- B

Explanation :

Priming is done in centrifugal pump operation in which suction pipe, casing and portion up to delivery pipe are completely filled with the same liquid to be lifted such that no air pocket is left and then the delivery valve is closed.

A centrifugal pump gives maximum efficiency when its blades are


Answer :   Option:- C

Explanation :

Maximum efficiency can be obtained when blades are bent backward.

Why is a minimum of Net Positive Suction Head (NPSH) required for a hydraulic pump?


Answer :   Option:- A

Explanation :

Minimum NPSH is required in centrifugal pumps to prevent cavitation.