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What is the use of homogeneous coordinates and matrix representation?

What is the use of homogeneous coordinates and matrix representation?

Answer & Explanation

To treat all 3 transformations in a consistent way, is the use of homogeneous coordinates and matrix representation.

Thus correct option is: A.

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More Questions CAD, CAM, and Automation:

If point are expressed in homogeneous coordinates then the pair of (x, y) is represented as

A. (x’, y’, z’)

B. (x, y, z)

C. (x’, y’, w’)

D. (x’, y’, w)

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For 2D transformation the value of third coordinate i.e. w (or h) =?

A. 1

B. 0

C. -1

D. Any value

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In homogeneous coordinates value of 'h' is consider as 1 & it is called _____.

A. Magnitude Vector

B. Unit Vector

C. Non-Zero Vector

D. Non-Zero Scalar Factor

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The general homogeneous coordinate representation can also be written as

A. (h.x, h.y, h.z)

B. (h.x, h.y, h)

C. (x, y, h.z)

D. (x, y, z)

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