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The heat is transferred in the direction of decreasing temperature is a statement...

The heat is transferred in the direction of decreasing temperature is a statement of

Answer & Explanation

As per second second law, Spontaneous processes in nature occurs only in one direction. Heat always flows from body at higher temperature to body at lower temperature.

Thus correct option is: B.

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A. ha= hl

B. ha= 2hl

C. ha= 0.5hl

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A. Absorptivity =1

B. Reflectivity =1

C. Emissivity = 0

D. Transmitivity =1

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A. 0.72

B. 4.364

C. 18

D. 83

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Which of the following is concerned with both heat and mass transfer

A. Lewis relationship

B. Nusselt number

C. Kutateladze number

D. Froude number

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