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For 2D transformation the value of third coordinate i.e. w (or h) =?

For 2D transformation the value of third coordinate i.e. w (or h) =?

Answer & Explanation

For 2D transformation the value of third coordinate i.e. w (or h) is 1, which is Non-Zero Scalar Factor.

Thus correct option is: A.

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In homogeneous coordinates value of 'h' is consider as 1 & it is called _____.

A. Magnitude Vector

B. Unit Vector

C. Non-Zero Vector

D. Non-Zero Scalar Factor

Answer & Explanation

The general homogeneous coordinate representation can also be written as

A. (h.x, h.y, h.z)

B. (h.x, h.y, h)

C. (x, y, h.z)

D. (x, y, z)

Answer & Explanation

We can combine the multiplicative and translational terms for 2D into a single matrix representation by expanding

A. 2 x 2 matrix into 4 x 4 matrix

B. 2 x 2 matrix into 3 x 3

C. 3 x 3 matrix into 2 x 2

D. None of the above

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Which co-ordinates allow common vector operations such as translation, rotation, scaling and perspective projection to be represented as a matrix by which the vector is multiplied?

A. Vector co-ordinates

B. 3D co-ordinates

C. Affine co-ordinates

D. Homogenous co-ordinates

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